
2023-02-03     福寶寶     反饋
vegetarian, 素食,recipe,食譜

Ingredient and Portion A: | 材料與分量 A: 4blocks white tofu | 白豆腐 4塊

Ingredient and Portion B: | 材料與分量B: 1 pktenoki mushroom | 鮮金針菇 1包, 1 pkt white crab mushroom | 白玉菇 1包, 6 pcssweet peas | 甜豆 六條, some juliennes carrot & ginger | 紅蘿蔔絲、薑絲適量,1 tsp Gou Qi | 枸杞 1茶匙

Seasoning | 調味料: 1 tbsp vegetarian oystersauce | 素蠔油 1湯匙, 1 tsp vegetarian stock granule | 調味素 1茶匙, 1/2 tspsoy sauce | 醬油 1茶匙, 1/2 tsp salt | 鹽 1/2 茶匙, 1/2 tsp sugar | 糖1/2茶匙, 1/2 tsp sesame oil | 麻油 1/2茶匙, Some corn starch | 粟粉水適量

Method | 做法:

1. Deep fry tofu in hot oil until golden brown, arrange onserving plate.


2. Blanch ingredients B briefly in boiling water, drain.


3. Heat 1 tbsp oil in wok, add in blanched ingredients B with 1cup of water; bring to boil.


4. Add seasoning and then thicken with starch, pour over friedtofu to serve.


原食譜來自:Feminine 風采
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